Some photos from Wednesday:

The Shepherds Rest Party Nights & Entertainment.

Our Party Nights.

Sat 9th December Conor Dee’s Disco
Friday15 December Big Dee’s Disco
Sat 16th December Larry & Co
Sunday 17th December Outbound Express
Friday 22 December Big Dee’s Party Night.

Christmas Entertainment

Christmas Eve Sing along in the public bar.
Boxing Night Jackson Rox’s Public Bar

Sat 30 December Big Dee’s Disco

New Year’s Eve Jackson Rox’s in the public bar.

Good evening reverend father’s ladies and gentlemen. you are all very welcome to The 50 Th anniversary of the Shepherds Rest Lounge bar and entertainment venue. 50 years tonight since the Rest opened.

It was 1st bought by grandfather Michael Doyle who was born on the 4 June 1879 emigrated to America and married a neighbour woman from Drumard Catherina Mc Guiggan where they had 3 of a family she became ill and came back home where she died and is buried at straw. The 3 boys Francis James and Leo were reared by their aunt for a few year while grandfather went back to America and sort out things only to return back here on the 11/ Feb 1930 and opened this bar on the 13 Feb 1930. He was 51 years of age when he took over the bar. It was shortly afterwards that he married my granny Annie Bradley (Jane) and they had one child that survived named Michael Patrick Doyle born 12 august 1935 Grandfather died on 16 Jan 1949 Granny and daddy ran the bar until he married. My mother Bernadette Loughran form Minineagh. It was then that the change started.

Building work carried out by John Cleary & Sons. We are joined by James tonight who would have done a lot of the work that time from building to plumbing and tiling. A complete builder now nearly extinct. There apprentices that time was Eugene Kelly. At the time of the 1st renovations a ladies’ toilet was installed upstairs but the poor gent had to go downstairs. We sold more drink at the bottom of that stairs and solved more problems with men stopping on the way down and again on the way up for a we quick half one. Even after different renovations and the toilet installed upstairs men still made the journey downstairs to use the gents. As most of the older gents here the night new that last one at the bottom of the stairs near the back door was the best.

Now the name came about by my dad asking a sales man called Dan Kelly from Portglenone would he have any good names for a pub. Well he came the next week with ten names and dad picked the present name The Shepherd Rest.

Now one of the 1st funeral dinners in the shepherds rest was sarah Joe Thomas (Bradley)

The first wedding here was before the bar was opened was Paddy conway Tammy Married Veronica Jane Bradley. It was held in the dinning hall as it was known. Which was a low shed built where my house now stand.

The 1st musicians to play in the lounge were Andy Mc Guigan, Eddie Donnelly,Laim Otterson and Herbie Crossette. We are joined tonight by many more from these early days. Hopefully some of you will do a little performance later.

The 1st barman Seamus Cassidy followed by Paddy Trolan with his sub as the night went on of Maurice Mc Lean from Magherafelt. Barmaids Shelia, Bridgette loughran sisters of my mothers followed by Dora Bradley

The 1st time the tv was brought into the pub was to watch one man and his dog. Front row seats were Sam Sinclar, Willy Phillips, Alfred Bradley, Jimmy Conway Mc Commine, Willy and Martha Bradley, John Pee Bradley,Paddy Tammy,Joe Jane, Paddy Jane,James Pete Mc Namee, Seamus Hagan, Francis Gillespe all regulars 1st food sold was sardines, kippers,salmon, Superdine burgers, hotdogs, and chicken breasts followed by precooked dinners all heated in the large mircowave. Sweets in there day spangles.mars bars, marthons crips nuts pickled onions and eggs. Supplies Parfin oil.

They talk about the smoking ban being the ruination of the pub but I think Sunday opening was a big downside to our trade. Sunday was one of our main days. We had a big wall build to hide car form the view of the road. I remember Sunday mornings cleaning out the byre and sweeping the floor. Pulling out bales of hay 4 to 6 bales with seating for 2 on each. Bringing out a case of beer and stout bottle of whiskey and rum. To the inside of the barn which had a side door which opened into the middle of the byre. Seamus Hagen Francis Gillespie, Joe Thomas, Seamus Cassidy Eugene Bradley Paddy Tammy. Them was the days but we got brave and moved into the bar after time with blackout blinds. Sundays after dinner if there was dinner, if the band the night before didn’t eat the chicken. Started with Joe Convery in a big volvo, John Joe Donnelly ,Mat Regan , John Leydon Joe Mc Allistar, Joey Kelly Pat den. Well you all know where your time slot was.
Untill the late liscence came in we were always at the mercy of the law. Their was all the times when it was hard to close. Screen won the championship Derry got to Dublin Christmas time with Mulligan and Meaghar about. The Killlhulies home in Jim Joes. The Cormac home from England. The Hugh Kellys and Mc Elhones up from the town. McSorleys home form England.
We could talk all night, about who sat where, who said what, who come on different nights. But I must apologise for those who I have forgotten to ask here tonight.

What we are here for tonight is to enjoy and help us celberate the spirt and magic of the Shepherds Rest which down through the years you our neighbours and customers helped create.

So we will raise our glassed to grand father 1st for buying this place, Known as Doyle’s in his day.

To mum and dad for having the vision to creating The Shepherd Rest Lounge Bar and provide entertainment on a weekly basic for a period of 50 years.

We will also raise our glass to absent friends who passed through our doors. Good people all of them.

We will get Patrica Herron Moran to sing and our theme tune I suppose The Great Moyola river written by Gerald Conway Tammy.
I would like to thank all family members and staff down through the years who helped make The Shepherds rest
The Shepherds Rest.

And especially mum & dad. My good wife Josie and my own family Colin Aine & John.

Enjoy the rest of your evening with the good company of Jackson Rox’s.